The early ryegrass gets the forage

EarlyPloid is the earliest forage-producing tetraploid ryegrass available commercially. Just in time, it sprouts to save cattle and pasture from the grip of winter, or offer up one last silage harvest before corn goes in the ground.

This large-seeded, upright and early maturing annual ryegrass resists disease like a steer resists snuggles. And its superior cold tolerance allows it to be grown for cool-season forage in the southern annual ryegrass region of the U.S. For the first-available forage, EarlyPloid is your first choice.

  • Excellent resistance to crown rust
  • Improved resistance to stem rust
  • Good resistance to gray leaf spot and Helminthosporium leaf spot disease


EarlyPloid has been proven to work time and again, all across the southern United States.

Jeanerette, Louisiana