3 Things You Didn’t Know About PlotSpike
PlotSpike is a leader in the food plot seed industry for its innovative, high-quality products that attract deer and turkey all year long. You may already know that Ragan & Massey is a member of the Louisiana Seed Association and the Southern Seed Association and that we source, pack and produce all our own seed. But here are three things you may not know about PlotSpike.
It’s Non-Inoculated.
That means we don’t add any bacteria or fungus to the seed. We also know the origin of our seeds and the genetic capabilities of our varieties and they perform outstandingly on their own without the addition of an inoculant. We have several varieties, like our Forage Oats, that are PlotSpike exclusives developed just for our customers. Our premium seeds work with no fillers or unnecessary coatings.
There Are Blends For Deer AND Turkeys.
While we do have eight blends for deer plots, we also have seed for turkey plots. The Spring & Summer blend provides quality forage when competition from natural browse is most intense. It is a combination of forage soybean and millets and will not only attract toms and hens, but deer and wild hogs. Our Chufas blend offers a plot filled with the nut-like subterranean tubers that wild turkeys love. Plus, once established, a chufa food plot will last for years.
There Are Blends For Every Planting Condition.
Does the sun never fully shine on your plot, no problem! We have PlotSpike Shade Blend which requires only four hours of sunlight to produce a delicious mix of Poa Trivialis, hard fescue, Winfred forage turnip, Ladino clover and plantain. There’s also a PlotSpike Quick Stand No-Till Blend for those remote food plot areas you just can’t get a tiller back into. Forage tetraploid ryegrass, fast-growing annual clovers and rape brassica are expertly blended to create a forage seed that requires no tilling before planting. Don’t forget the PlotSpike Clover Blend, which can survive periods of drought, like those found in hot, dry southern summers.
No matter which PlotSpike blend is perfect for your needs, know they are 100 percent guaranteed. Buy our PlotSpike seed online or find it in a store near you.