Five Steps to Easy Garden Prep
With spring is just around the corner, it is time to think about planting a new garden. You may have a spot in mind that’s perfect, but it is overgrown with grass and weeds. Don’t let the existing vegetation scare you off! Herbicides like RM18 and Compare-N-Save Quick Acting Weed & Grass Killer can turn any overgrown patch into a beautiful garden plot, no backbreaking work required.
Control More Than 100 Plants
RM18 and Compare-N-Save Quick Acting Weed & Grass Killer can handle whatever weeds and grass are currently making their home in your perfect garden spot. They kill more than 100 plants like wild blackberry, kudzu, poison ivy, poison oak, dandelions, thistle and unwanted lawn grasses. They are both rainfast in hours with visible wilting within 12 hours.
Five-Step Process
With RM18 and Compare-N-Save Quick Acting Weed & Grass Killer, it only takes a couple of steps to get your garden prepped for planting.
- Soak the area with water. Completely drench the soil and plants with water before applying to keep the soil hydrated before planting. Skip the mowing too; you want as much surface area as possible for the spray to adhere to.
- Spray RM18 or Compare-N-Save Quick Acting Weed & Grass Killer. Mix six fluid ounces per gallon of water for every 300 square feet. Use either a tank sprayer or hose-end sprayer, depending on the size of the area you wish to cover. For tank sprayers, use one that is made of plastic, fiberglass, stainless steel or is plastic-lined – never galvanized or unlined steel container. Spot treat or spray evenly over 300 square feet. Water the area again after two or three days.
- Retreat area. After seven days, reapply RM18 or Compare-N-Save Quick Acting Weed & Grass Killer to any areas where green still remains. Wait another three days, re-water, then get ready to rake up the soil.
- Rake, till and seed area. After at least days since the last herbicide application, your soil can be prepped for planting. Plants like to grow in light, airy topsoil. Rake up the soil or till, breaking up any large chunks of soil and removing roots or extra plant matter.
- Plant. Your new garden area is ready for flowers, vegetables, fruits, herbs and shrubs. Plant seeds according to the plant’s label, gently cover and water in well. Enjoy the fruits of your labor during the next couple of months!
A Few Precautions
Be sure these products don’t come in contact with people or pets, either directly or through drift. Allow the treated areas to dry thoroughly before allowing people or pets back in the area. Do not use on feed or food crops and cover any desirable plants with plastic before spraying. Please contact us with any questions about RM18 or Compare-N-Save Quick Acting Weed & Grass Killer.