Resolve to Have a Better Lawn in 2019
January 9, 2019
Every year it’s the same thing – spring arrives and you really, really want a nice lawn since yours is weed-infested. Summer comes and weed control goes out-the-door because you start concentrating on keeping it alive. By the time fall and winter hit, you’re ready to give up and start next year – only to drop the ball again come spring. It’s a vicious cycle and one you CAN get out of! Using a couple of our herbicides – and keeping them on hand when you need them – gives you the power to have the lawn you’ve continually resolved to have.
- “I resolve to prevent crabgrass!” Right now is the perfect time to use Compare-N-Save Crabgrass & Sandbur Preventer. This product is a preemergence herbicide – meaning it only works on weeds that haven’t emerged, so you need to use it before anything gets a chance to sprout. Use Crabgrass & Sandbur Preventer on established warm-season turf (Bahai, Bermuda, buffalos, centipede, St. Augustine and Zoysia) to control annual grasses like crabgrass, foxtail, wild oats and broadleaf weeds like carpetweed, chickweed and spurge; it becomes activated with water. It also works wonders to use around fall-planted bulbs to keep spring beds weed-free.
- “I resolve to spot control weeds around my garden and lawn!” Compare-N-Save Weed & Grass Killer is a quick-acting herbicide that kills weeds, roots and all. It enters the plant on contact and immediately gets to work. You’ll see visible results in within hours. Use a hand-operated backpack sprayer or pump-up sprayer to only target the plants you want dead. This product works best when the temperatures rise, so order it now to have at-the-ready when dandelions, woody vines, poison ivy and kudzu pop up. Buy it online.
- “I resolve to lay a patio!” If your ideal lawn includes new structures or surfaces, you’ll definitely want to use RM43 in your prep work. With 43 percent glyphosate, RM43 knocks weeds and grasses out for up to a year. Spray this product on the area you completely want to clear (being careful of any drifts to desirable plants) and you’ll have a completely clean slate to build whatever you resolve to include in your landscaping plan. It’s also rainfast in two hours.
- “I resolve to have a completely new lawn!” If your lawn is too far gone, it may be time to start fresh; RM18 is the product you need. RM18 quickly kills weeds and grass but doesn’t harm your soil. It contains the same active ingredient as RM43, just in a lower amount – 18 percent. Apply RM18 to your entire lawn; you’ll see wilting in 12 hours and can start reseeding in as little as three days.
Don’t let having a beautiful lawn join the list of broken resolutions. Find out where you can buy all of these products both in store and online.