How to Purchase Ragan & Massey Products
We’ve been telling you how great our products are for years. RM18, RM43, Compare-N-Save insecticides and herbicides and BRUSHTOX all offer solutions for any type of gardening, farm and lawn care problem. So now you’re ready to buy, but you haven’t seen them where you primarily shop. No problem! There are a lot of different ways to buy your favorite Ragan & Massey products.
Go to our Website
The first step to finding the Ragan & Massey product you’re looking for is to go to the home page of our website, www.raganandmassey.com, and click on the “WHERE TO BUY” heading in the top right corner. This link takes you to a separate Where To Buy page that helps you find products in a store near you or online.
Find Products In Store
There’s nothing better than immediate satisfaction. You want it. You go buy it. When you’re reseeding your lawn on a whim, you want RM18 now! To find out if it’s sold near you, go to the Where To Buy page, type in your zip code, then select the brand you’re looking for from the drop-down menu and click or tap go. Not only can you find a store up to a 50-mile radius from where your live, but the results will show you what other Ragan & Massey brands are available at that location, ideal for one-stop shopping!
Find Products Online
For those that can’t find the Ragan & Massey product they want nearby, or just hate to leave the house, many of our products available from online retailers. These products include: RM18, RM43, FarmWorks, Compare-N-Save, BRUSHTOX, PlotSpike Wildlife Seed and Mayberry Turf Seed. Once you select the product you’re interested in, click or tap Go and you’ll see logos of the retailers where you can shop online for our products. Click the logo and you’ll be taken directly to page of the product you’re looking for. It’s as simple as that.
Links From our Brands Page
To make it even easier to buy, each brand on our Brands page is linked to a pop-up window that offers a shortcut to either the Buy In Store or Buy Online information. Not only can you make short work out of finding the product you need, but you can learn more about what each does. (Don’t forget to try the Advice tab. It has tons of information about the different products and their uses.)
No longer will you have to look jealously at your neighbor as he uses RM43 to decimate weeds and grass along fencerows or BRUSHTOX to eliminate stubborn woody vines that seem to defy all other herbicides, now you can buy your own in store or online.