PlotSpike makes food plots thrive
An adult deer can eat more than six pounds of food every day. So if your food plot isn’t producing, your coveted animals will go elsewhere. But planting a food plot isn’t always simple, and many who want to attract deer and other critters are hunters as opposed to farmers.
Long story short, it’s important to make it as easy as possible to create a productive food plot. Enter Ragan & Massey’s PlotSpike® line of high-quality seed blends. From cold-tolerant to early season, shady blends to no-till varieties, there is a PlotSpike product that will help your food plot, and the animals it attracts, thrive.
A satisfied PlotSpike customer, a thriving food plot
But don’t take our word for it. Here’s evidence of PlotSpike in action.
Jason Langdon of the Northern Adirondack Outdoorsman’s Page tells of his PlotSpike experience. Jason used our PlotSpike® Clover Blend and Quick Stand varieties. Of Clover Blend he says, “Six days since planting it, with 100% wall-to-wall germination.” Quick Stand, meanwhile, offered complete coverage in three and a half weeks. Neither variety was planted in ideal conditions: “This was all during a drought season, plus it’s in high elevations and in the middle of the woods,” Jason says of his thriving food plot in northern New York.
Before PlotSpike:
After PlotSpike:
And finally, the most current photo:
All photos courtesy of Jason Langdon
Jason says:
“The first 100 yards of this photo was tilled dirt (this part is clover-chicory mix, one month since seeding). The last 100 yards is almost two-month-old Quick Stand that two weeks ago was mowed to 6″ (from 24″ tall just over a month from seeding). Brassicas have regrown back to 24” in 2 weeks. Clover and rye are both doing great as well. To top it off, I’m along the Canadian border of New York, on a mountain around 2,000 feet above sea level, and it’s a very bad drought season. If it can overcome this, there’s nowhere this stuff won’t grow, and fast!”
See Jason’s original post here!
Find the PlotSpike that’s right for your food plot
All Ragan & Massey seeds are sourced, produced and packed by Ragan & Massey. We know the origin of our seeds and the genetic capabilities of our varieties. With several varieties developed exclusively for our customers, we are confident that our pure, proven and premium seeds work, with no fillers or unnecessary coatings. That’s why all our seeds for food plots are 100 percent guaranteed.
Click below to find the PlotSpike seed that is right for your food plot.
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