9 Lawn Myths Busted For 2019

9 Lawn Myths Busted For 2019

When it comes to growing and maintaining a lush, green lawn, don’t fall prey to old wives’ tales and myths. Instead, trust our facts and you’ll be rewarded with a lawn your neighbors will envy. “You need to water your lawn every day.” Contrary to what some may think, watering your lawn for 15 minutes […]

Lawn Products You Should Never Be Without

Lawn Products You Should Never Be Without

Lawn care isn’t easy, it takes know-how, diligence and patience. Luckily there are a few great products that make you look like a pro! Weed Killers Anybody who grew up pulling weeds knows how tedious the task can be. Similar to emptying a bucket of water with a teaspoon, it’s never-ending. Herbicides keep a lot […]

It’s Not Just Luck, How To Get A Green Lawn After A Total Kill

Weeds are the bane of your lawn’s existence. Weeds aren’t just unattractive to look at; they are thieves that steal nutrients from your grass. To eradicate them, you can continuously battle by spot spraying and pulling or, decide on a total kill and start fresh. Grab Some RM18 When you’re ready to say goodbye to […]

A Tale Of Two Total Vegetation Control Herbicides

A Tale Of Two Total Vegetation Control Herbicides

In gardening and landscaping, sometimes you just need a clean slate. In other words, no weeds, no grass, no plants, nada. You need total vegetation control. But choosing the right herbicide for the job can get confusing. Ragan & Massey alone sells six different brands of herbicides and each has their particular uses for weed […]

Leaves Of 3 Let Them Be How to Identify And Remove Poison Ivy

Leaves Of 3 Let Them Be: How to Identify And Remove Poison Ivy

If you’ve accidentally gotten into poison ivy once, once is enough. This little plant’s oils, called urushiol, cause painful, itchy rashes that can last one to three weeks. While the rash itself isn’t contagious, poison ivy’s oils can take years to dissipate, so if it gets on clothes and gloves, it can cause multiple reactions. […]