It’s Not Just Luck, How To Get A Green Lawn After A Total Kill

Weeds are the bane of your lawn’s existence. Weeds aren’t just unattractive to look at; they are thieves that steal nutrients from your grass. To eradicate them, you can continuously battle by spot spraying and pulling or, decide on a total kill and start fresh. Grab Some RM18 When you’re ready to say goodbye to […]

8 Best Practices For Lawn And Garden Prep

8 Best Practices For Lawn And Garden Prep

Spring is in the air. Warm days outnumber the cool ones. Soon your lawn will need more than the passing glance it has received all winter. A lush, green, healthy lawn or garden doesn’t just happen. It takes hard work, tried and true techniques and help from some of our favorite products. Test Your Soil. […]

6 Unexpected Benefits of Fishing

6 Unexpected Benefits Of Fishing

If it’s getting harder and harder to make time to fish, remember that it’s not only good for your health, it’s good for your mind, your family, and the environment. For reel. At Ragan & Massey, we’re always looking for another reason to head outdoors, and you certainly don’t have to twist our arms when […]

UF-Riata Springs Forward

UF-Riata Springs Forward

There’s something about a Sunday drive that seems to be genetically programmed into farmers. We take the long way home from church, from family breakfasts, or from a ball game just to see how our piece of the world is doing. My grandfather did it. My father did it. And now I find myself doing […]