Three Products Every Home Gardener Will Love

Walk into any garden center and you’ll find so many rows of herbicides and insecticides, it can be extremely overwhelming for the home gardener! That’s because some herbicides claim to kill this but not that. Other insecticides work here but not there. Skip the frustration and stock up on some of our favorite products instead. […]

How to Purchase Ragan & Massey Products

How to Purchase Ragan & Massey Products

We’ve been telling you how great our products are for years. RM18, RM43, Compare-N-Save insecticides and herbicides and BRUSHTOX all offer solutions for any type of gardening, farm and lawn care problem. So now you’re ready to buy, but you haven’t seen them where you primarily shop. No problem! There are a lot of different […]

Which Ragan & Massey Herbicide Should You Grab?

Which Ragan & Massey Herbicide Should You Grab?

We offer our customers many different herbicide options and sometimes it can get confusing trying to figure out which herbicide to grab. There are several options from our multiple brands and deciding which one to choose, pretty much depends on where the job is and the weeds that need killing.

Our Tricks To Kill Some Seriously Scary Plants

Our Tricks To Kill Some Seriously Scary Weeds

Noxious and invasive weeds can be downright frightening, but the proper weed killers can get rid of them! They slink, slither and creep around your landscaping and infect your lawn, forcing you to take drastic measures – killing them down to the root. Some of the scariest invaders by far are Virginia creeper, kudzu and […]

How To Spray With Animals Around

Spraying With Animals Around

We love our animals, whether they are our pets or livestock, and want to keep them safe while we spray. That’s why it’s important to take precautions when applying herbicides and insecticides around your property. Remember, these products use ingredients that are designed to kill weeds and pests and should be handled with care.

When To Water What Works Best For Lawn And Garden Products

When To Water: What Works Best For Lawn And Garden Products?

Water and gardening go hand-in-hand. Water is necessary to produce lush, green lawns and big, beautiful blooms. When it comes to herbicide and insecticide applications, water can be both friend or foe as some products require water to activate and others need dry conditions to be effective.

5 Things That Are Ruining Your Lawn This Year

5 Things That Are Ruining Your Lawn This Year

Every year it’s the same thing – you tell yourself, your spouse and your neighbor that you’re going to get your lawn in tip-top condition – but you end up with a subpar showpiece. Drought, weeds and insects can quickly turn a healthy and vibrant lawn into one in need of resuscitation. Here are five […]

5 Essential Products Every Home Gardener Should Have

5 Essential Products Every Home Gardener Should Have

There’s a Chinese proverb that states, “If you want to be happy for a lifetime, be a gardener.” We think this statement is absolutely spot on. There’s nothing quite as satisfying as getting your hands in dirt and growing something beautiful or delicious from it. But, we do recognize that not everyone thinks the same […]