No More Uninvited Guests: Stop Bugs from Entering Your Home This Winter

Inside your home is the coziest place to be during winter. It’s warm, dry and safe. Unfortunately, pesky insects think so too. Cold, outdoor temperatures force bugs to find a warm place to survive, but Ragan & Massey’s indoor/outdoor insecticides can prevent them from making your home their safe haven. Control the Worst Pests Compare-N-Save […]

Winterizing Your Cattle with a Prine Forage Pasture

Winter forage pastures help farmers across the southern United States stretch their stockpiles of hay by prolonging the grazing season. A winter pasture supplements winter diets with healthy ryegrass or forage oats, allowing cattle to graze until spring. Planting a successful winter forage pasture begins with Prine. Why Prine? Ragan & Massey developed Prine Tetraploid […]

Happy New Year From Ragan and Massey

As the new year approaches, Ragan and Massey is reflecting on this past year. 2020 has not been an easy year for anyone. However, we want to express our gratitude to our vendors, farmers, ranchers, home-owners, and gardeners for supporting us this past year. Without you, we could not do what we do. Ragan and […]


Agronomists, seed company representatives, and others often mention the importance of decisions pertaining to seed selection and purchase.  Most forage/livestock producers would say they agree with this line of thinking.  However, it is easy to forget about this (or, more likely, not give it as much attention as it deserves) when actually making a seed […]

Proof of How Great Our Products Work: Our Favorite Before and After Photos

Ragan & Massey is at the forefront of the forage seed and agricultural chemical industries. We offer 34 high-quality, innovative products under 12 proprietary brands that are available in over 3,500 stores nationwide. We’re proud of our lineup and guarantee our products’ effectiveness. But don’t just take our word for it, the proof is in […]

Thank You to Farmers at Harvest Time

The leaves are turning, there’s a cool nip in the evening air. It’s that time of year again. It is harvest time. Farmers across the country work diligently all spring and summer to finally see the fruits of the labor come fall. While many see fall as a time for putting up pumpkin-adorned decorations, going […]


Under certain circumstances, nitrate levels in plants can build up to potentially toxic levels. This typically occurs when a relatively high level of nitrogen-containing fertilizer (60 or more units of nitrogen/acre) is applied to a forage crop, but there is poor forage growth because of an extended drought. Other stresses such as cloudy weather, excessive […]

Using Ragan & Massey Insecticides

Insecticides are a powerful tool to rid your home and yard of invading, and sometimes biting, pests. The products offered by Ragan & Massey, specifically our Compare-N-Save Indoor/Outdoor Insecticide and Lawn Insect Control Granules, kill many common insects found both inside and outside your home. Can I spray Compare-N-Save Indoor/Outdoor Insecticide in my vegetable garden? […]


There are major differences among animal species with regard to how they graze.  Cattle graze by hooking their tongues around forage, gripping it between the tongue and lower incisor teeth, and then tearing it from the plants.  Sheep, goats, and horses bite off forage much as humans might take a bite out of an apple, […]

Top Tips for Late-Summer Lawn Care

The lazy days of summer should consist of sipping sweet tea on the porch, napping in a swaying hammock and watching the kids run through the sprinkler. What they shouldn’t require is hours of yard work to repair a stressed-out lawn. August’s hot, steamy weather reminds homeowners it will be several weeks until your grass […]


Some highly useful forage crops can be toxic in certain situations. The photograph above shows a field of sorghum-sudan hybrid, a fast-growing summer annual grass, which can provide good yields of nutritious forage. However, it is one of the forage crops that can cause prussic acid (also called hydrocyanic or HCN) poisoning. Other species in […]

Don’t Let Fire Ants Ruin Your Summer Fun

Celebrating outdoors is the epitome of summer fun. It doesn’t get better than picnics, pool parties, fireworks and just playing on the lawn. And usually with summer celebrations, the more the merrier unless those uninvited guests are fire ants. Fire ants are reddish to black and although they’re not native to the United States, they’ve […]

Rejuvenate Your Yard with Ragan & Massey

Your home’s landscape design, including flower beds, ornamental gardens and vegetable patches, are some of the proudest features of your home. These elements provide color, dimension and fresh produce to an otherwise sea of grass. But over time, your landscape design can become overgrown, crowded and infested with weeds. If this sounds like your yard, […]

Comparing Insecticides: Which Should You Use?

No matter the time of year, insects can really bug homeowners. Whether it is ants and cockroaches crawling their way around your kitchen or mosquitoes and ticks taking a bite out of your gardening time, these pests need to be controlled. Ragan & Massey offers three different brands of insecticide so you have protection against […]

3 Products Your Lawn Should Never Be Without

A great-looking lawn is a showpiece for any neighborhood and having one with thick, lush, green, weed-free grass is the goal of every homeowner. To get there, you need to make sure to have these three products on hand at all times.  Compare-N-Save Weed Killer for Lawns  Beautiful lawns are weed-free lawns. Compare-N-Save Weed Killer for Lawns controls more than 200 common weeds […]

Minimizing Hay Losses is Important

A key to profitable livestock production is to minimize the need for hay or other stored feed. Use of various techniques to extend the availability of pasture forage and thus keep animals grazing as long as possible is highly desirable on most farms. However, most producers will need to provide hay or some other stored feed at certain […]

What People are Saying about RM43

Being talked about may not always a great thing, unless you’re being talked about in a good way. At Ragan & Massey, we welcome reviews and opinions about our products because we understand just how strong word-of-mouth marketing is; people simply trust their friends and families’ advice on products. According to one study, 92% of consumers believe suggestions from friends and family […]


Good grazing management is one of the keys to having a profitable forage-livestock program. There are numerous benefits associated with grazing management, but regulating pasture forage height should be a major objective. Grazing too closely will result in less forage production and excess plant stress (some forage crops are much more tolerant of close grazing than others). Undergrazing is not discussed as […]

How to Safely Spray our Herbicides

When you need to remove stubborn kudzu, itchy poison ivy or tough dandelions and clover, you need a tough herbicide. Hand-pulling weeds just isn’t an option when you need to eradicate acres of weeds and brush. A powerful herbicide is the answer but we can’t stress enough that these products need to use properly and safely.   Never allow […]

The Ragan & Massey Experience Straight from the Horse’s Mouth

We talk a lot about how great our products are because we believe in them. Since we first opened our doors in 1991, we have grown to offer 34 high-quality, innovative products under 12 proprietary brands that are available in over 3,500 stores nationwide. Our products help farmers, ranchers and homeowners keep their properties weed and pest free. […]

Need to Spray Around Water? We’ve Got Just the Product

A common question we are consistently asked is, “Can I spray this around water?” And if you’re asking about RM18, RM43, Compare-N-Save Quick Acting Weed & Grass Killer or some of our other herbicides, the answer usually is no, unless of course, you’re asking about Farm General Aquatic Herbicide or Farmworks Aquatic Herbicide.   How Do These Products Work?  These powerful, water-soluble herbicides, made of […]


Some terms associated with forage-livestock production are unique. Here are a few that are often used, along with definitions or explanations of each. Knowing what these terms mean can help a person better understand discussions of various aspects of forage-livestock agriculture.  Alkaloids- A large group of complex compounds that contain nitrogen and occur as by-products of plant biochemical processes, […]

“How do I control…?” Your Top Weed-Control Questions and Our Answers

Caring for your lawn, pasture and garden requires the extra muscle that herbicides and insecticides supply. Because these are strong products, we always recommend reading the label the first and even then our customers can have questions about the best way to apply our products and which tough weeds they’re capable of killing.  How do I eliminate […]

Five Steps to Easy Garden Prep

With spring is just around the corner, it is time to think about planting a new garden. You may have a spot in mind that’s perfect, but it is overgrown with grass and weeds. Don’t let the existing vegetation scare you off! Herbicides like RM18 and Compare-N-Save Quick Acting Weed & Grass Killer can turn any overgrown patch into a beautiful garden plot, no backbreaking work required.   Control More […]


In recent years, fertilizer prices have increased.  Budgets prepared by university agricultural economists indicate that fertilizer cost associated with growing grass is typically 50 to 60 percent of the cost of producing beef cattle.  Unfortunately, it appears that the cost of commercial fertilizer is not likely to decline much anytime soon.  Producers who feel they have limited funds to spend […]

Rain and Snow Don’t Mix with RM43 

Precipitation is a must for many lawn and garden tasks. It helps moisturize a dry lawn, gets plants growing fast, is necessary to activate many fertilizers and come winter, provides insulation for dormant plants. But when it comes to applying herbicides like RM43, rain and snow won’t do the application any favors.  Dry Weather is Essential […]