Using Ragan & Massey Products Around Pets
Herbicide, spraying around pets, glyphosate, Ragan & Massey, RM43, RM18, Compare-N-Save Quick Acting Weed and Grass Killer, Compare-N-Save Weed Killer for Lawns, read the label, keep pets safe.
Herbicide, spraying around pets, glyphosate, Ragan & Massey, RM43, RM18, Compare-N-Save Quick Acting Weed and Grass Killer, Compare-N-Save Weed Killer for Lawns, read the label, keep pets safe.
Getting rid of stubborn weeds can be backbreaking work. And, unfortunately, with many stubborn weeds, you can pull all you want by hand, but you may never eradicate the weeds completely due to deep or massive root systems. Do your back a favor and try these products to eliminate the worst weeds. Dandelion Children think […]
Our herbicides and insecticides are powerful products designed to help homeowners and farmers keep their properties weed and pest-free. We offer a lot of advice on how to spray our products and how to do it safely. But once the job is over, there is a little more knowledge to know – how to store […]
When you need to remove stubborn kudzu, itchy poison ivy or tough dandelions and clover, you need a tough herbicide. Hand-pulling weeds just isn’t an option when you need to eradicate acres of weeds and brush. A powerful herbicide is the answer but we can’t stress enough that these products need to use properly and safely. Never allow […]
As the weather turns crisp, you may think your landscaping duties are a distant memory. In actuality, cooler temperatures are the ideal time to get your lawn prepped for winter. Hot, dry, summer weather can seriously stress your grass and for months it has fought to survive; now is the time for it to take a […]
Need to kill weeds in your lawn, but not your meticulously-maintained grass? Grab a bottle of Compare-N-Save Weed Killer for Lawns. Want to clear yard space for a new garden or flower bed and have it ready to plant in three days? RM18 is the answer. How about ridding an area of weeds and grass permanently for an outdoor project like a new driveway or […]
When it comes to growing and maintaining a lush, green lawn, don’t fall prey to old wives’ tales and myths. Instead, trust our facts and you’ll be rewarded with a lawn your neighbors will envy. “You need to water your lawn every day.” Contrary to what some may think, watering your lawn for 15 minutes […]
It takes a lot of knowledge to grow a lush, green, healthy lawn and beautiful, blooming flowers. For example, gardeners need to know when to plant, reseed, fertilize, mow, apply weed treatments and treat any diseases. Luckily technology has caught up with landscaping with these great apps specifically dedicated to helping both homeowners and professionals […]
Woody plants like mesquite, oak, locust, wild rose and sweetgum, don’t stand a chance against BRUSHTOX™. This systemic herbicide kills more than 60 woody plants and more than 30 broadleaf weeds, like Canada thistle, milkweed and dog fennel. Since BRUSHTOX™ targets broadleaf weeds, many natural grasses won’t be harmed and many even flourish without the […]
Harmful insects and mites have no place inside, or outside, your home. Flies and cockroaches carry diseases, mosquitoes and ticks feed on blood, and aphids, ants and armyworms ruin lawns and plantscapes. Compare-N-Save Indoor/Outdoor Insecticide protects your home and surroundings. As the name suggests, it can be applied both inside and outside. It works […]
When choosing a seed for your livestock’s forage-based diet, look no further than Prine. Ragan & Massey’s Prine™ Tetraploid is the most commercially available ryegrass variety developed by the outstanding University of Florida ryegrass breeding program. This high-yield, rust- and disease-resistant tetraploid variety withstands cold temperatures to improve forage yields.
Walk into any garden center and you’ll find so many rows of herbicides and insecticides, it can be extremely overwhelming for the home gardener! That’s because some herbicides claim to kill this but not that. Other insecticides work here but not there. Skip the frustration and stock up on some of our favorite products instead. […]
No matter if your lawn is more weed than grass, you have hard-to-kill brush that’s taking over a pasture or the grass and weeds along your fence row is out-of-control – there’s a Ragan & Massey product dedicated to solving your specific problem.
Year after year meteorologists and farmers predict the upcoming winter will be worse than the last – and it turns out to be accurate most of the time! But no matter if the winter or extremely harsh or mild, it always poses a risk to your livestock. The best way to prepare for the worst […]
It’s that time of year when spending time indoors is much more preferable than out. So, you may not be thinking about herbicides and insecticides as much this time of year, but you’d be surprised at the many uses for Ragan & Massey products when the temperature drops.
Every year it’s the same thing – spring arrives and you really, really want a nice lawn since yours is weed-infested. Summer comes and weed control goes out-the-door because you start concentrating on keeping it alive. By the time fall and winter hit, you’re ready to give up and start next year – only to […]
Insects like flies, mosquitos, ticks and wasps are expected to be pests in the summer months. Once the temperature drops, the outdoors become habitable again, but it doesn’t mean you’re done dealing with pests.
We’ve been telling you how great our products are for years. RM18, RM43, Compare-N-Save insecticides and herbicides and BRUSHTOX all offer solutions for any type of gardening, farm and lawn care problem. So now you’re ready to buy, but you haven’t seen them where you primarily shop. No problem! There are a lot of different […]
It’s no secret that we love to talk about how awesome RM43 is, but that’s because we are proud of this product and what it can do for the back 40 or the backyard. It is one of our favorite things! Here’s why we love RM43 and you will too.
PlotSpike is a leader in the food plot seed industry for its innovative, high-quality products that attract deer and turkey all year long. You may already know that Ragan & Massey is a member of the Louisiana Seed Association and the Southern Seed Association and that we source, pack and produce all our own seed. […]
We offer our customers many different herbicide options and sometimes it can get confusing trying to figure out which herbicide to grab. There are several options from our multiple brands and deciding which one to choose, pretty much depends on where the job is and the weeds that need killing.
Noxious and invasive weeds can be downright frightening, but the proper weed killers can get rid of them! They slink, slither and creep around your landscaping and infect your lawn, forcing you to take drastic measures – killing them down to the root. Some of the scariest invaders by far are Virginia creeper, kudzu and […]
In gardening and landscaping, sometimes you just need a clean slate. In other words, no weeds, no grass, no plants, nada. You need total vegetation control. But choosing the right herbicide for the job can get confusing. Ragan & Massey alone sells six different brands of herbicides and each has their particular uses for weed […]
If there was an “All Star List” for forage crops, ryegrass would have to be on it. Ryegrass can be grown in many areas, it has the potential to produce a good forage yield, it is easy to establish, and it provides excellent nutrition for forage-consuming animals. Given these attributes, it is not surprising that […]
October 12 is National Farmer’s Day Fall has arrived. It’s the time of year when farmers may not necessarily be able to take a break, but at least they can take a breath and be proud of the hard work they’ve done all spring and summer. Fall is harvest time, when all the planting, the […]
There are two constants in farming; weeds grow faster along a fence line and there’s always something more important to do than getting rid of them. The good news is Ragan & Massey has exactly the products you need to kill weeds, grass and brush that will keep your fence lines clearer, longer.
Millions of dollars worth of hay are sold in the United States each year. Successful hay transactions result mostly from application of “common sense,” but discussion of some points that should be considered is provided in this article.
The best fall food plots, the ones that draw in the most wildlife, are usually located in an out-of-the-way spot that has never seen any type of landscaping. One of the biggest tasks when planting a food plot is clearing the area of existing brush, vines, grass and weeds. The second being getting your forage […]
There are many uses for RM18: your lawn, your garden, and your weeds.
First deemed as the perfect solution for erosion control, kudzu may now be the most hated word to gardeners and farmers in the southern United States. This plant, native to Japan, stretches and expands across pastures, fields and gardens, its vines smothering and choking everything in their path including native species, wild spaces and even […]
Nothing is more frustrating than spending hours – and money – on your lawn and landscaping, only to have it ruined by a noxious weed or plant pest. Invasive species of plants grow super-fast, essentially choking out the plants you want to keep.
University budgets reveal that fertilizer usually accounts for 40 percent or more of the cost of producing forage, and N alone can account for 20 to 40 percent of the cost of producing grass forages. The extent to which a livestock producer is able to minimize fertilizer expenses may mean the difference between profit and […]
When you mow your lawn, you keep it healthy. Lawns that are mowed correctly groom the turf to be thick enough to crowd out weeds and more drought tolerant. But, mow it incorrectly, or with bad habits, and you could be paving the way for your lawn to suffer.
RM18 is a signature product from Ragan & Massey designed specifically for lawn replacements, garden bed prep, and clearing weeds from walkways, buildings, and roadsides. Its unique combination of two herbicides kills weeds and plants while leaving fertile soil untouched, making it ideal for lawn and landscape projects you can’t wait to tackle.
Water and gardening go hand-in-hand. Water is necessary to produce lush, green lawns and big, beautiful blooms. When it comes to herbicide and insecticide applications, water can be both friend or foe as some products require water to activate and others need dry conditions to be effective.
Every year it’s the same thing – you tell yourself, your spouse and your neighbor that you’re going to get your lawn in tip-top condition – but you end up with a subpar showpiece. Drought, weeds and insects can quickly turn a healthy and vibrant lawn into one in need of resuscitation. Here are five […]
There’s a Chinese proverb that states, “If you want to be happy for a lifetime, be a gardener.” We think this statement is absolutely spot on. There’s nothing quite as satisfying as getting your hands in dirt and growing something beautiful or delicious from it. But, we do recognize that not everyone thinks the same […]
Dear Driver, I see you up ahead, behind that slow-moving tractor on this otherwise desolate county road. You’re on your cell phone, likely complaining that you’re going to be late for Something Very Important because Some Idiot Farmer took the paved road to the field.
Pond algae gets a bad rap. Take planktonic algae, for instance. This microscopic plant lives throughout the water, providing important benefits to the pond ecosystem by supporting the base of the food chain in a lake. The more food supply available in a body of water, the larger populations of fish it can support. In […]
RM43 is a powerful weed killer used in a variety of applications, whether you are preserving your driveway, your barns, your fence rows, or your tennis courts. There’s a lot to know about this popular product, so we’ve gathered some of the most common questions—and answers—here for your reference.
Whether treating for specific plants or specific areas with RM43, uniform application of herbicide is essential for effective weed control. Varying the rate of application or dilution ratios even slightly can result in either a poor result or unnecessary waste of product—and both are a misuse of time, money, and effort.
Every gardener will tell you that, when it comes to growing and maintaining your yard and garden, the gardening tools you use are just as important as the seeds, shrubs, and trees you plant. While you could fill your garage or shed with a variety of implements, these five basic garden tools help everyone’s thumbs […]
Last month we talked about insecticide granules, systemic insecticides, and pest control sprays as ways to reclaim your home and lawn this summer from bugs that bother. Judging by the blog traffic, it’s a pretty hot topic; pests are, indeed, aptly named.
Snout Nosed Beatles. Emerald Ash Borers. Lacy Bugs. No matter how elaborate the names, the fact of the matter remains: bugs are bugs. And they can wreak havoc on your home, your landscaping, and your sanity.
Ready to get a jump on weed and pest control? Keep these five things in order to spray safely.
Welcome to the newest installment of A Job Well Done, by Ragan & Massey. This series of deep-dive advice articles, personally written by Ragan & Massey experts, will address everything you need to know to get better production out of your property. Topics will range from steps for Southern pasture establishment to best practices for mesquite […]
Welcome to the newest installment of A Job Well Done, by Ragan & Massey. This series of deep-dive advice articles, personally written by Ragan & Massey experts, will address everything you need to know to get better production out of your property. Topics will range from dealing with the weather to best practices for mesquite […]
In “Weather to Make Your Production Decisions,” we’ll discuss how the weather has a direct impact on your success, and offer our thoughts on how you can minimize its negative impact.
Whether the farm’s equipment and vehicles have been in storage waiting out the off-season or are just in need of a checkup, there are plenty of tasks that can be done now to make sure there are no hiccups when springtime is in full bloom. Here are a few typical equipment maintenance tasks to make sure the busy spring season goes off without a hitch.
After months of suboptimal weather, most property owners are itching to get outside and start landscaping the property and preparing for spring work. Efficiency is key for the hobby farmer, and knowing what can be done now to make later easier will make a world of difference. Read on for tips on preparing property for spring.